2020 年活动(Event 2020)

2020 年活动(Event 2020)插图


活动 2020 模板基本上侧重于各种会议。但这是一个混合的网页模板设计,因此大部分部分的设计可以很容易地用于另一个平台。我试图通过酷炫的界面让它变得如此简单和用户友好。还有不同类型的配置文件具有不同类型的设计版本。我还包括此 Web 模板的角落案例。
对于自由项目: shadhinlablu.bd@gmail.com 


Event 2020 Templates bacically focuse on various conference. But this is a hybrid web template design so that most of the section's design can be used to another platform easily. I tried to make it so simple and user-friendly with the cool interface. Also there are different types of profile with different types of design versions. I also include the corner cases of this web template.
For freelance project: shadhinlablu.bd@gmail.com 

