LMS 和教育 WordPress 主题(LMS & Education WordPress Theme)

LMS & Education WordPress Theme


MasterClass 是一个很棒的 WordPress 主题,用于在 WordPress 中构建学习管理系统。从 WordPress 中 LMS 的演变开始,已经发布了许多主题,但没有一个主题像 MasterClass 那样丰富。您有无限的选项来自定义、设计和发布您的在线课程。此外,您还可以在缩放会议上参加在线课程。Tophive 引入了广泛的主题自定义支持,其中包含许多功能。以下是自定义主题页眉和页脚的选项。此外,您可以在定制器中定制主题动态页面。此外,定制器提供 拖放页眉、页脚和超级菜单生成器。
此外,您可以在 MasterClass 定制器中设置内页侧边栏、排版、颜色、间距等所有样式不仅仅是一个休闲的定制器它比以往任何时候都更让你珍惜。

学习管理系统 LMS------ -------------------------------------------------- -----------------
借助 MasterClass 让您的 LearnPress 超级强大。您可能会想,这怎么可能?好吧,在 Masterclass 主题中,整个 LearnPress LMS 都进行了修改,我们通过添加迄今为止只是梦想的丰富功能使其更加强大。您无需购买任何额外的插件这些功能包括。
弹出窗口中的课程概览: 一目了然地查看课程,节省您的时间。 Masterclass 的这一功能允许您在弹出窗口中加载完整的课程概览,因此您的学生将能够更快地决定购买您的课程。
级别分层: 一个人可以通吃课程;这不公平。每门课程都有其难度级别,因此,大师班在课程中增加了级别分层。现在您将能够指定哪个课程适用于哪个组(初级、高级、中级)。
课程分类排序 到目前为止,您可能已经习惯了按日期排序或名称排序。我们已经解除了这个障碍,现在您可以使用不同类型的类别对您的课程进行排序,包括趋势、热门、畅销书、最佳评分等。
视频格式的课程预览: LearnPress 可能是非常有限,但不是大师班。我们知道每个课程学员的价值,因此我们实现了这个功能。使用此功能,您将能够将来自 YouTube、Vimeo 的视频嵌入到您的课程预览中。不仅如此,您还可以直接上传并展示您的视频。
学习概述: 输出非常有价值,它决定了我们的购买决定。在大师班课程中,您的课程附带学习概览。他们将能够在完成您的课程后知道他们将要学习什么。
课程课程弹出视图: 从一页跳到另一页以了解详细信息感觉非常烦人。您在 Masterclass 中的课程课程将在弹出视图中更优雅地加载。
讲师简介和页面: 您将了解课程课程、课程详细信息以及与课程相关的所有内容是否公平?当然,除了它的导师?在 Masterclass 中,您将能够在每门课程中显示您的讲师的信息。您还可以在专门的讲师页面上添加讲师的详细信息。
Content Drip: 随机完成课程无法完成课程。在内容滴漏的帮助下,您的学习者在完成最后一课之前将无法访问下一课。这并不是您能够在课程可用性的特定时间控制内容滴漏的全部内容。
带过滤器的高级搜索: Masterclass 不提供任何传统搜索,而是提供高级搜索一。人们将能够使用所需参数搜索他们想要的课程。
Zoom 视频会议: 沟通更容易。感谢 Zoom WordPress 集成在 Masterclass 主题中提供了这种惊人的体验。无论您的学校、学院、大学或教育场所有多远,或者正在发生何种类型的流行病,您的学习者都将能够通过虚拟计划接受教育。这将允许他们通过移动设备、笔记本电脑和台式机访问高质量的视频会话。

GamiPress 集成------------- -------------------------------------------------- ---------------------
GamiPress 是游戏化您的网站的最简单方法。该插件可让您奖励与您的网站交互的用户的数字奖励。 Masterclass 与 GamiPress 集成,您将能够通过 3 种强大的 GamiPress 方式奖励您的用户。
积分: 您的用户将获得分享、购买、推荐和其他类型的积分的东西。您还可以设法赠送积分。
成就: 每个人都喜欢打开新的成就,而在大师班中,用户可以获得很多成就。注册后将立即解锁第一个成就,这样您的用户将有动力解锁下一个成就。
排名: 您的用户将在完成要求后获得排名。排名给您的用户额外的荣誉,从而帮助您的用户保持积极性。

Mega Menu Builder(高级)------------- -------------------------------------------------- ---------------------
使用 Masterclass 的 Mega 控制您网站的导航,并根据您的需要和愿望进行精确设计菜单生成器。您可能会想,在超级菜单生成器中可以添加什么新功能?好吧,有很多自定义大型菜单。在您尝试之前您不会知道它。
互动元素: 传统的大型菜单仅包含有序格式的文本。但在 Masterclass 中,您可以做的远不止这些。您将能够添加图像、图标、不同的调色板、课程、课程类别、课程概述、特色课程、最新帖子、特色帖子、动画、视频、流行的 WooCommmerce 项目。就像一个人将能够完成他的网站概述从大型菜单。我们建议您从现场演示中尝试一次。
功能齐全且可自定义: 您使用 Masterclass 创建的大型菜单将完全实用且可自定义。这并不是说您只能创建像演示这样的大型菜单。将您的想法与现实相结合,并在大师班的大型菜单构建器的帮助下完成。
无限样式选项: 在创建大型菜单时,您将能够自定义每个项目你喜欢。不是单一的,而是无限的。是的,你没听错。所以现在就去做,按照你喜欢的方式组织你的超级菜单。
易用性: 在了解了超级菜单中的这么多功能之后,你可能会认为它可能非常复杂或不适合初学者。你错了。我们的专业开发人员考虑到用户友好性。因此从专家到初学者,每个人都可以使用 Masterclass 创建一个大型菜单。

页眉 - 页脚生成器------------- -------------------------------------------------- ---------------------
您无需购买单独的插件来构建您的页眉或页脚。页眉 - 页脚构建器包含在 Masterclass 中。您所要做的就是立即自定义和创建自己的页眉 - 页脚。智能用户仪表板从上到下的专业精神完全包含在大师班中。您还将在用户仪表板中发现这种专业精神。仪表板带有用户详细信息以及他拥有的所有课程。如果他希望他可以直接从仪表板开始他的课程。不仅如此,所有者还可以从仪表板检查他的测验、愿望清单、订单,并管理他的设置(常规、头像、密码、宣传等)。这就像从一个地方直接管理所有内容。
在弹出视图中登录或注册: 我们不会无缘无故增加页面数量,因此我们保留了登录/注册过程简单并在弹出视图中。这个过程不仅简单,而且看起来也很专业。

MailChimp 集成------------------ -------------------------------------------------- ----------------
Mailchimp 是一个非常流行和有用的插件。它提供了多种方法来注册更多订阅者。 Masterclass 带有集成到其中的 MailChimp。您将能够在几秒钟内连接到您的 MailChimp 帐户,因为一切都非常简单。稍后,您将能够创建用户友好和移动优化的表单,可以在您网站的任何位置进行自定义和显示。发送简报并检查响应率现在轻而易举。

RTL 就绪----------------- -------------------------------------------------- -----------------
从右到左写没问题。大师班主题,如果 100% RTL 准备好并且您可以在您的网站上使用任何语言。无论是阿拉伯语、希伯来语、乌尔都语还是任何其他语言,Masterclass 都将始终完美地展示一切。

安全电子商务集成 (WooCommerce)---- -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------
最流行和最安全的电子商务集成“WooCommerce”附带硕士课。销售任何种类的实物或数字商品现在变得非常容易。您还可以在 Masterclass 中进行销售并向您的用户提供优惠券。如果您担心付款,也请忘记这一点。您可以安全地集成您最喜欢的付款处理器并随时随地接收任何付款。四种不同的布局:Masterclass 为您的 WooCommerce 商店提供四种不同的布局。所有的布局都很优雅,并配备了所有现代设施。选择这四个中的任何一个,然后以您喜欢的方式创建您的商店。
灵活的自定义选项: Masterclass 中的每个选项都保持灵活,以便您可以轻松进行更改并提供您的想要的样子。无论你想让你的店铺设计简单还是复杂,你都可以用 Masterclass 来做。专用博客平台用博客来说话。 Masterclass 中有一个专门的博客平台。博客还有四种不同的布局。您可以选择这四种不同布局中的任何一种。如果您想使用最受欢迎的 elementor 页面构建器自定义您的博客,您也可以这样做。您的网站将轻松排名,您的访问者将轻松从您的博客中找到他们所需的内容。感谢 Masterclass 主题的专用博客平台。

WPML 支持--------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------
语言不是大师班的障碍。对于外国学生和访客,您可以使用最流行的 WPML 插件轻松地将任何页面翻译成任何语言。 Masterclass 与 WPML 完全集成。您翻译的越多,它对您的外国学习者就越有帮助。

直观的主题仪表板----------------- -------------------------------------------------- -----------------
Masterclass 的主题仪表板在设计时考虑了所有现代特性和功能。从这个主题仪表板中,您可以导入演示、自定义主题、查找支持、阅读文档、检查状态,甚至更新您的主题。您不必去不同的位置执行不同的任务。
麻烦- 免费更新: 更新是大多数主题中最常见的问题。要么您必须手动更新,否则您的网站将被破坏。您会在大多数主题中发现几个问题。感谢 Masterclass 的无忧更新选项,让您一键更新您的主题。主题激活后,您将能够在仪表板中更新您的主题,好消息是您的网站不会中断。它将像以前一样保持完美。
1 单击演示导入: 所有演示都可以从仪表板中看到。如果您想更改您的演示,请使用一键式演示导入选项。您不会因为安装所需的插件而感到紧张,所有所需的插件都会自动安装。
一站式定制: 如果您需要在 Masterclass 支持的网站上定制任何内容,您将能够直接从主题仪表板执行此操作。
文档和支持: 如果您卡在任何地方,请直接从主题仪表板查看主题文档,无需在其他地方搜索。如果文档不够,请直接从仪表板向支持团队寻求帮助。


MasterClass is a great WordPress theme for building a Learning Management System In WordPress. Starting from the evolution in LMS in WordPress many themes have been published but none of the themes are as enriched as MasterClass. You have unlimited options to customize, Style, and Publish your online courses. Moreover, You can also take online classes on a zoom meeting.Tophive Introduces extensive theme customization support with a lot of features in it. Here are options for customizing the theme header as well as footer. Also, You can customize theme dynamic pages within the customizer. In addition, Customizer Provides Drag And Drop Header, Footer and Mega Menu Builder.
Moreover, You can style Inner pages sidebars, typography, colors, spacing, and all within the MasterClass Customizer So it is not only a casual Customizer It’s more than ever you cherished.

Learning Management System LMS------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Make your LearnPress super powerful with help of MasterClass. You might be thinking how is this even possible?Well, in the Masterclass theme the whole LearnPress LMS is modified and we made it more powerful by adding rich features that were till now only dream. You won’t have to purchase any additional plugins These features include.
Course Overview in the popup: Save your time by checking courses at a glance. This feature of Masterclass allows you to load a full course overview in the popup, therefore your students will be able to decide more quickly to purchase your course.
Level Tiering: One can take all the courses; that’s not fair. Every course has its difficulty level and for this reason, Masterclass adds level tiering in course. Now you will be able to specify which course is for which group (beginner, advanced, intermediate).
Categorywise course sorting: Till now you may be habituated with datewise sorting or name sorting. We have lifted this barrier, now you can sort your courses using different types of categories including trending, popular, bestseller, best rating, etc.
Course Preview in Video Format: LearnPress may be very much limited but not Masterclass. We know the value of each course taker, therefore we have implemented this feature. With this feature, you will be able to embed videos from YouTube, Vimeo to your course preview. That’s not all, you can also directly upload and show your video also.
Learning Overview: Output is very valuable and it determines our purchase decision. In Masterclass courses, your courses come with a Learning overview. They will be able to know what they are going to learn after completing your course.
Course Curriculum Popup View: Jumping from page to page to know details feels very annoying. Your course curriculum in Masterclass will load more elegantly at the popup view.
Instructor Profile and Page: Is it even fair that you will know the course curriculum, course details, and everything regarding the course, except its instructor? In Masterclass you will be able to show your instructor’s information with every course. You will also be able to add instructor details on the dedicated instructor’s page.
Content Drip: One cannot complete a course by randomly completing the lessons. With help of content drip, your learner won’t be able t access the next lesson until he finishes the last one. That’s not all you will be able to control content drip for a specific time of the course availability.
Advanced Search With Filters: Masterclass doesn’t come with any traditional search, but an advanced one. One will be able to search for their desired course with their required parameters.
Zoom Video Conferencing: Communication is much more easier. Thanks to Zoom WordPress integration for providing this amazing experience in the Masterclass theme. No matter how much far your School, College, University, or education place is or what type of pandemic situation is going on, your learners will be able to take their education via the virtual program. Which will allow them to access high-quality video sessions through mobile, laptop, and desktop.

GamiPress Integration------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
GamiPress is the easiest way to gamify your website. This plugin lets you award your users with digital rewards for interacting with your website. Masterclass comes with GamiPress integration and you will be able to award your users with 3 powerful ways of GamiPress.
Points: Your users will get points for sharing, purchasing, referring, and other kinds of stuff. You can also manage to give away points.
Achievements: Everyone likes to open new achievements and in Masterclass, there are a lot of achievements for a user to achieve. Right after registering one will unlock the first achievement and in this way your user will be motivated to unlock the next achievement.
Ranks: Your user will be given ranks upon completing requirements. Rank gives your user extra honor and thus helps your users to remain motivated.

Mega Menu Builder (Advanced)------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Take control of your site’s navigation in your hand and design it exactly according to your need and wish with Masterclass’s Mega Menu builder. You might think, what new can be added in mega menu builder? Well, there’s a lot to customize the mega menu. You won’t know it until you try it.
Interactive Elements: Traditional mega menu comes with only texts in an ordered format. But in Masterclass, you can do more than that. You will be able to add images, icons, different color palettes, courses, course categories, course overview, featured course, latest post, features posts, animations, videos, popular WooCommmerce items.It’s like one will be able to fulfill his site overview from the mega menu. We recommend you try it once from the live demo.
Entirely Functional and Customizable: Your created mega menu with Masterclass will be entirely functional and customizable. It’s not like you will only be able to create a mega menu like demo. Mix your thoughts with reality and do it with help of the Masterclass’s mega menu builder.
Unlimited Styling Options: While creating a mega menu, you will be able to customize every item in the way you like. Not in a single way, but unlimited. Yes, you heard it right. So do it now and organize your mega menu in the way you like.
Ease of Use: After knowing so many functionalities in the mega menu, you might be thinking it might be very complex or not beginner-friendly. You are wrong. Our professional developers have made it with user-friendliness in mind. Therefore expert to beginner, everyone will be able to create a mega menu with Masterclass.

Header – Footer Builder------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
You don’t need to buy separate plugins to build your header or footer. Header – Footer builder is included in Masterclass. All you have to do is customize and create your own header – footer in no time.Smart User DashboardFrom top to bottom professionalism is fully included in the Masterclass. You will found this professionalism also in User Dashboard. The Dashboard comes with user details along with all the courses he owned. If he wishes he can start his courses right from the dashboard.That’s not all, the owner can also check his quizzes, wishlist, orders, and manage his settings (general, avatar, password, publicity, etc) from the dashboard. It’s like managing everything right from one single place.
Login or Signup in Popup view: We don’t increase the number of pages without any reason, therefore we have kept the login/signup process simple and in the popup view. Not only the process will be simple but it will also look professional.

MailChimp Integration------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Mailchimp is a very popular and useful plugin. It offers various methods to sign up more subscribers. Masterclass comes with MailChimp integrated into it. You will be able to connect to your MailChimp account in seconds, as everything is kept very simple.Later on, you will be able to create user-friendly and mobile-optimized forms that can be customized and displayed anywhere on your website. Sending a newsletter and checking the response rate is now a piece of cake.

RTL Ready------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
It’s not a problem if you write right to left. Masterclass theme if 100% RTL ready and you can use any language on your website. It doesn’t matter its, Arabic, Hebrew, Urdu or any other language, Masterclass will always show everything perfectly.

Secure eCommerce Integration (WooCommerce)------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The most popular and secure eCommerce integration ‘WooCommerce’ comes with the Masterclass. Selling any sort of physical or digital goods is now very much easier. You can also run sales and offer coupons to your users in Masterclass. If you are worried about payment, forget that too.You can integrate your favorite payment processors securely and receive any payments from anywhere at any time.Four Different Layouts: Masterclass offers you four different layouts for your WooCommerce store. All the layouts are elegant and come with all modern facilities. Choose any of the four then create your store in the way you like to.
Flexible Customization Options: Every option in Masterclass has been kept flexible so that you can easily bring changes and give your desired look. No matter if you want to keep your store design simple or complex, you can always do it with Masterclass.Dedicated Blogging PlatformDo the talking with blogging. There is a dedicated blogging platform available in Masterclass. There are also four different layouts available for the blog. You can choose any of these four different layouts. If you want to customize your blog with the most popular elementor page builder, you can do it too.Your site will be easily ranked and your visitors will find their required content easily from your blog. Thanks to the dedicated blogging platform of the Masterclass theme.

WPML Support------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Language is not a barrier in Masterclass. For foreign students and visitors, you can translate any pages to any language easily with the most popular WPML plugin. Masterclass comes fully integrated with WPML. The more you translate the more it is helpful for your foreign learners.

Intuitive Theme Dashboard------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The theme dashboard of Masterclass is designed by keeping all the modern features and functionalities in mind. From this theme dashboard, you can import demos, customize themes, find support, read documentation, check status, and even update your theme.You won’t have to go to different locations for doing different tasks.
Hassle-Free Update: Update is the most common issue in most of the themes. Either you have to manually update or your site is going to be broken. You will found several issues in most of the themes. Thanks to Masterclass’s Hassle-free update option, that lets you update your theme with one click.Right after theme activation, you will be able to update your theme within the dashboard and the great news is your site is not going to break. It will remain perfect as it looked before.
1 Click Demo Import: All the demos are visible from the dashboard. If you want to change your demo do it with one click demo import option. Don’t you get tensed about installing required plugins, all of the required plugins will be installed automatically.
One-Stop Customization: If you ever need to customize anything on your Masterclass powered website, you will be able to do it directly from the theme dashboard.
Documentation & Support: If you stuck anywhere check out the documentation of the theme directly from the theme dashboard, no need to search elsewhere. If the documentation is not enough take help from the support team directly from the dashboard.

