消息,搜索屏幕 - Oio 应用程序(Messaging, Searching Screens - Oio App)

消息,搜索屏幕 - Oio 应用程序(Messaging, Searching Screens - Oio App)插图消息,搜索屏幕 - Oio 应用程序(Messaging, Searching Screens - Oio App)插图1消息,搜索屏幕 - Oio 应用程序(Messaging, Searching Screens - Oio App)插图2消息,搜索屏幕 - Oio 应用程序(Messaging, Searching Screens - Oio App)插图3


这是使用 Oio 概念促进用户流程的搜索和消息屏幕!
欣赏是好的。-Behance | Twitter | Instagram | UpLabs


This is the Searching and the messaging screens that facilitate the process on the user with the Oio concept!
APPRECIATION IS OK.-Behance | Twitter | Instagram | UpLabs

