标志 60(The Logos 60)

标志 60(The Logos 60)插图标志 60(The Logos 60)插图1标志 60(The Logos 60)插图2标志 60(The Logos 60)插图3


该项目包括 60 个用于您的业务的徽标模板。易于定制并适用于许多 tematics 徽标。每个标志都以 29 美元的价格单独出售,现在您可以以有利可图的价格购买它们。数百人已经在使用这些标志。黑色和白色版本。只有免费字体(包括链接)。文件:AI 和 PSD


The item includes 60 logo templates for your business. Easily customized and suitable for many tematics logos. Each logo was sold separately for 29$, now you can buy them all on profitable price. Hundreds of people are already using these logos. Black and white versions. Only free fonts (links included). Files: AI and PSD

