今天我为送餐服务创建了一个主页🍔(Today I created a homepage for food delivery service 🍔)

今天我为送餐服务创建了一个主页🍔(Today I created a homepage for food delivery service 🍔)插图


送餐是一个必不可少的行业,并且在 COVID 流行期间增长强劲。所以今天,我创建了这个主页,以帮助代理商、设计师快速启动您的展示或企业家为他们的网站定义主页。
图 +最终文件中包含草图 + 字体


Hi friends,
Food delivery is an essential industry and is growing strongly during the COVID epidemic. So today, I created this homepage to help agencies, designers jumpstart to your showcase or entrepreneurs define a homepage for their website.
Hope you enjoys it 💪and follow my work for more quality templates ❤️
Fig + Sketch + Font included in Final file

