简洁的iOS (Simplicity iOS)

简洁的iOS (Simplicity iOS)插图

简洁的iOS (Simplicity iOS)插图1


52个iOS UI屏幕,帮助你为你的客户设计漂亮的界面。Sketch文件中包含了我最喜欢的谷歌免费网络字体之一。Lato。这个包可以让你在几个小时内创造出一流的UI体验。这个价位对于这样的资产来说简直是偷鸡不成蚀把米,而且它只在有限的时间内提供!


52 iOS UI Screens to help you design beautiful interfaces for your clients. The Sketch file come with one of my favourite Google Free Web Fonts: Lato. This pack will allow you to create top-notch UI experiences in a matter of hours.. the price point is literally a steal for such an asset and it will be available only for a limited time!

