托管服务登陆 (Hosting Service Landing)

托管服务登陆 (Hosting Service Landing)插图

托管服务登陆 (Hosting Service Landing)插图1


如果你是主持卖家,或者你有一个有类似任务的客户,那么你需要这个! 我为那些需要极简和优雅风格设计的人做了这个。这个登陆页面看起来非常漂亮,你可以通过使用Adobe XD轻松地编辑所有的内容。你还可以使用谷歌的免费字体,以及免费的图标。通过购买它,你将得到3种格式的文件。XD, PNG, 和 JPEG, 以及5个页面。主页设计,域名页面设计,主机页面设计,WordPress页面设计和登录页面设计。


If you are hosting seller or maybe you have a client with similar task, then you need this! I made this for people who need minimal and elegant style design. This landing page is very nice looks, you can edit all of contents with easy by using Adobe XD. And also you can using free font from Google, and free icons too! By buying this you will get 3 format file: XD, PNG, and JPEG, and 5 pages: Homepage design, Domain page design, Hosting page design, WordPress page design & Login page design.

