代码编辑器 - 在线编译器(Code Editor - Online Compiler)

Code Editor - Online Compiler


问题:1。程序员找不到好的移动编译器apps.2。程序员找不到Multiple Language Compiler.3。程序员不能轻易看到编程输出。4.程序员找不到用户友好的语言编译器。
解决方案:1.程序员可以选择他们的语言编译器与流行的语言compiler.2。程序员可以非常快速地运行代码,并且可以很容易地看到输出。3。只是我使用了代码编辑器、运行、保存、共享按钮和点击 output.4。这个应用程序可以使用任何人,并且非常用户友好。
这是我们的案例研究,我们制作了编译器应用程序 UI 设计。这是我们的另一个团队合作。
团队成员:1。我2。 Mehedi - https://dribbble.com/pixel_boss
我可以将您的项目提升到一个新的水平。 通过 sciencecomputer.it@gmail.com 估算您的项目
感谢 Easin


Hello guys,
We find out a problem for programmers. The programmer can't use the mobile app for the run and compile code easily. This problem face lot of programmers because the programmer couldn't find a good compiler mobile apps. That's the main problem. Just I made a design for that problem.
Problem: 1. The programmer couldn't find good mobile compiler apps.2. The programmer couldn't find a Multiple Language Compiler.3. The programmer can't see programming output easily.4. The programmer couldn't find a user-friendly Language Compiler.
Solution:1. Programmer can choose their language compiler with popular language compiler.2. Programmer can run code very fast and can see output easily.3. Just I used a Code Editor, Run, Save, Share button and on tap output.4. This app can use any person and it's very user-friendly.
This is our case study and we made a Compiler Apps UI design. This is our other teamwork.
Team Member: 1. Me2. Mehedi - https://dribbble.com/pixel_boss
I'm available for taking your project to the next level. Estimate your project at sciencecomputer.it@gmail.com
Thanks Easin

