雀巢咖啡 ( RTL + LTR )(NESCAFE ( RTL + LTR ))

雀巢咖啡 ( RTL + LTR )(NESCAFE ( RTL + LTR ))插图雀巢咖啡 ( RTL + LTR )(NESCAFE ( RTL + LTR ))插图1雀巢咖啡 ( RTL + LTR )(NESCAFE ( RTL + LTR ))插图2


UI设计网购适合商品有限的店铺网站。创造性地展示产品。杂货和超市产品。从左到右和从右到左两种语言。 ( LTR , RTL ) 使用 Adobe XD 设计
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UI design Online ShoppingSuitable for shop websites with limited products. Showcase products creatively. Grocery and supermarket products.With two languages left to right and right to left. ( LTR , RTL )Designed with Adobe XD
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