乔治几何风格的字体 (George Geometric Typeface)

乔治几何风格的字体 (George Geometric Typeface)插图

乔治几何风格的字体 (George Geometric Typeface)插图1


George Sans v1.5是一个优雅的当代无衬线字体系列,由8种字体组成。它的设计具有简洁和风格化的现代欧洲几何图形,外观和谐,适用于文本和标题。George Sans是品牌、编辑和标牌的完美伴侣,在大型应用中也非常有效。有OTF、TFF、WOFF格式,并有Light、Light Italic、Regular、 Italic、SemiBold、SemiBold Italic、Bold、Bold Italic字体样式。


George Sans v1.5 is an Elegant contemporary sans serif font family of 8 fonts. Designed with clean and stylized modern European geometry with harmonious appearance for both texts and headlines. George Sans is perfect companion for branding, editorial and signage, also works great for bigger applications. Available in OTF, TFF, WOFF format and in Light, Light Italic, Regular, Italic, SemiBold, SemiBold Italic, Bold, Bold Italic font styles.

