孟买蓝宝石网站重新设计(Bombay Sapphire Website Redesign)

Bombay Sapphire Website Redesign


这次我有重新设计的心情。曾经与 Bombay Sapphire 发生过一件有趣的事情,在回忆起来之后,我想为什么不看看他们的网站。瞧!得到了我需要的东西,所以想重新设计 bombaysapphire.com/
在 Instagram 上查看更多设计: https://www.instagram.com/shivam_ui/


Bombay Sapphire web redesign
This time I was in a mood for a redesign. Had a funny incident once with Bombay Sapphire and after reminiscing it i thought why not have a look at their website. Voila! got what I needed so thought of redesigning the landing page of bombaysapphire.com/
Would love to know your thoughts 😊
Check out more designs on Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/shivam_ui/

