用于启动新产品的电子邮件模板(Email Template for Launching a New Product)

用于启动新产品的电子邮件模板(Email Template for Launching a New Product)插图用于启动新产品的电子邮件模板(Email Template for Launching a New Product)插图1


推出一款很棒的新产品?使用这款精美、设计优质、响应迅速的电子邮件模板与您的订阅者联系并增加销售额。设计简单、干净且专业。购买此模板并在您的 Mailchimp、Campaign Monitor、SendGrid 活动中使用它。使用案例: 推出新产品、促销活动、新功能、更新。


Launching a new awesome product? Connect with your subscribers and make more sales with this beautiful, high-quality designed, responsive email template. Design is simple, clean and professional.Buy this template and use it inside your Mailchimp, Campaign Monitor, SendGrid campaigns.USE CASES: Launching a New Product, Promo Campaign, New Feature, Update.

