液体钱包金融投资支付iOS移动 (Liquid Wallet Finance Investment

液体钱包金融投资支付iOS移动 (Liquid Wallet Finance Investment插图

液体钱包金融投资支付iOS移动 (Liquid Wallet Finance Investment插图1


Liquid Wallet是一个现代的、干净的、非常详细的iOS的UI工具包。但它也可以安排到安卓系统中。  


Liquid Wallet is a modern, clean and very detailed UI kit for iOS. But it can arrange into Android decives as well.

The application focus on more Investment, Payment and many Financial products. We designed more than 25+ beautiful unique screens for your mobile app. All symbols and objects are vector based and easily editable. We create a Symbol library for Sketch file, so it's really easy to editable. We send many to research about UX for Banking and Finance apps, so you just get and using for your business.

See previews sections to find all screens that included in this template.

