用户体验素描本第二卷 (UX Sketchbook Volume 2)

用户体验素描本第二卷 (UX Sketchbook Volume 2)插图

用户体验素描本第二卷 (UX Sketchbook Volume 2)插图1


UX Sketchbook Volume 2是一个设备屏幕的集合,可以打印出来用于勾勒出网页设计的想法。包括40页Iphone8, IphoneX, SamsungGalaxyS9, Pixel2, IpadPro, Ipad 和 AppleWatch的设备屏幕。


UX Sketchbook Volume 2 is a collection of device screens that can be printed out for sketching out web design ideas. Included are 40 pages of device screens for Iphone8, IphoneX, SamsungGalaxyS9, Pixel2, IpadPro, Ipad and AppleWatch.

