百草味新闻和读者应用UI包 (Bacao News and Reader App UI Kit)

百草味新闻和读者应用UI包 (Bacao News and Reader App UI Kit)插图

百草味新闻和读者应用UI包 (Bacao News and Reader App UI Kit)插图1


嘿! 这是我们的新产品,名为Bacao。它是30个屏幕的阅读和新闻应用程序的概念。我们精心打造它,以满足设计师的需求,并提供最好的结果。


Hey! This is our new product called Bacao. It's 30 screens app concept for reading and news app. We built it carefully to match the need of designers and deliver it with the best result.

