Bruzz - 谷歌幻灯片演示模板(Bruzz - Google Slides Presentation Template)
Bruzz - 创意演示模板介绍模板,以一种可行、简单、干净、易于编辑的风格用于专业用途。可用于各种用途,例如:创意代理、公司简介、公司和业务、投资组合、摄影、Pitch Deck、启动,也可用于个人投资组合。特点
- 幻灯片总数:36 张幻灯片
- 所有图形均可调整大小和编辑
- 使用和推荐的免费网络字体
- 基于母版幻灯片
- 16 :9 宽屏比例
- 图片占位符
- 只需拖放!
- 轻松编辑!
包含文件< /strong>
- google slides.PPTX 文件
- 文档文件
Introducing Bruzz – Creative Presentation TemplatePresentation templates for professional use in a workable, simple, clean, an easily editable style. Can be used for various purposes such as : Creative Agency, Company Profile, Corporate and Business, Portfolio, Photography, Pitch Deck, Startup, and also can be used for Personal Portfolio.FEATURES
- Total Slides: 36 Slides
- All graphics resizable and editable
- Used and recommended free web fonts
- Based on Master Slides
- 16:9 Wide Screen Ratio
- Picture Placeholder
- Just Drag and Drop!
- Easily Editable!
- google slides.PPTX file
- Documentation File
Note: All images on the demo is just for preview purpose only and not actually included on the filesThanks.