Ona 商业主页 PSD Web 模板(Ona Business Homepage PSD Web Template)

Ona 商业主页 PSD Web 模板(Ona Business Homepage PSD Web Template)插图


Ona Business Homepage PSD Web Template - 是全分辨率设计新趋势的答案。具有垂直和水平菜单变体的干净和智能 psd 模板 - 非常适合电子电子商务商店网站。您可以很容易地对其进行自定义以满足您的业务需求。 Adobe Photoshop 兼容性。
功能:   基于 1170px 网格系统。   全宽:1920px。   免费 Google 字体   免费基于字体的图标  ;  免费更新   Pixel Perfect   还有更多……


Ona Business Homepage PSD Web Template - is a answer for new trends in full resolution designs. Clean and smart psd template with vertical and horizontal menu variants – ideal for Electronics eCommerce shop websites. You can customize it very easy to fit your business needs. Adobe Photoshop Compatibility.
Features:   Based on 1170px Grid System.   Full width: 1920px.   Free Google Fonts   Free Font Based Icons   Free Updates   Pixel Perfect   And many more…

