警察的用户界面套件 (Policia UI Kits)

警察的用户界面套件 (Policia UI Kits)插图

警察的用户界面套件 (Policia UI Kits)插图1


Policia UI Kit是一个图书跟踪器应用程序。它允许你跟踪你的阅读进度并设置书签。要添加一本书,只需扫描条形码或通过标题和作者搜索。设置书的当前页,以免忘记你停止阅读的地方。当你完成后--将书标记为已读。Policia带有一套精心打磨的36个屏幕,美丽的细节,而且它仍然易于定制,高度适合你的项目。


Policia UI Kit is a book tracker app. It allows you to track your reading progress and set bookmarks. To add a book just scan a barcode or search by title and author. Set a current page of the book to not forget where you've stopped reading. When you are finished - mark the book as read. Policia comes with a carefully polished set of 36 screens, beautiful details, and it remains easy to customize and highly suitable for your project.

