准备好成为一名球员了吗?(Ready to be a player?)

准备好成为一名球员了吗?(Ready to be a player?)插图


嘿伙计们, 我有 2x dribbble 邀请所以,如果你想加入这个很棒的社区,你所要做的就是: 将你的 2 Best Shots 邮寄到 mani.amosh169@gmail.com &链接到您的个人资料。获胜者将于 8 月 1 日(IST)选出 祝你好运。


Hey Guys, I have 2x dribbble invite So, if you want to join this amazing community all you have to do is: Mail your 2 Best Shots at mani.amosh169@gmail.com & link to your profile.Winners will be drafted on 1st of august (IST) GOOD LUCK.

