


很长一段时间我没有发布作品,在此期间我从事了各种项目,今天我想分享其中一个。Crypo 是最新的加密货币交易仪表板。这个仪表板包充满了功能和成分。默认情况下,它具有深色和浅色布局,但您可以轻松自定义自己的布局。这是一个 HTML5 完全响应的基于 Bootstrap 的模板不要等待抓住它 立即下载告诉我你对这张照片的看法,如果你喜欢我的设计,请给我一些心💓😍我们可以为自由项目发邮件给我们- rony204320@ gmail.com


Hello Friends 👋
For a long time I did not publish work, during this time I worked on various projects and today I would like to share one of them.Crypo is the latest cryptocurrency trading dashboard.This dashboard pack full of features and components. By default, it has dark and light layouts but you can customize your own layout easily. It is an HTML5 fully responsive Bootstrap based templateDon't wait to grab it Download NowTell me what you think about this shot and send me some hearts 💓 if you like my design 😍We are available for the freelance projectMail us - rony204320@gmail.com

