视觉效果图工具包 (Just Go UI kit)

视觉效果图工具包 (Just Go UI kit)插图

视觉效果图工具包 (Just Go UI kit)插图1


欢迎来到Just Go - 为Adobe XD创建的安卓旅行应用程序。Just Go是一个安卓UI工具包,充满了漂亮的UI元素,放置在50多个现代屏幕中。Just Go是所有基于矢量的,完全兼容和可编辑。各层组织良好,精心命名和分组。所有的屏幕被分为6个类别。唱起来,走过,发现,文章,简介,菜单。希望能给你带来快乐并加快你的进程。


Welcome to Just Go – android traveling app created for Adobe XD. Just Go is an android UI Kit, full of nice UI elements, placed in 50+ modern screens. Just Go is all vector based, fully compatible and editable. Layers are well-organized, carefully named & grouped. All screens are categorized in 6 categories: Sing up, Walk-through, Discover, Articles, Profile, Menu. Hope to bring you joy and speed up your process.

