物业搜索 - 登陆页面(Property Search- Landing Page)

物业搜索 - 登陆页面(Property Search- Landing Page)插图


嘿! 另一个免费赠品在这里!!!分享我目前正在为房地产代理工作的这个有趣的概念... 这是该项目的第一个样本草案。
免费下载此文件&让我知道你在评论中设计了什么......很想从你们那里得到什么......因为我对 UX 行业比较新鲜。让我知道您的想法。
如果您喜欢,请按 ♥!


Hey there ! Another freebie is here !!!Sharing this interesting concept I'm currently working on for real estate agency... This is a first sample-draft for this project.
Download this file for free & let me know what you have designed in the comments..Would love to hare from you guys... as I'm kind of fresher for UX industry. Let me know your thoughts.
Press ♥ if you like it!

