创意机构登陆页面。(Creative Agency Landing Page.)
Hello Awesome Designers!
这是我的代理登陆页面的新设计理念。Sprint 是一个设计代理主页,您可以将此网站用于您的设计代理、营销代理或任何类型的代理网站,希望您能喜欢我的想法。我们计划让它与尝试有所不同。“不要害怕完美——你永远也达不到。” –萨尔瓦多·达利希望你们帮我把你们的反馈意见放在这里,谢谢观看!================================= ==============我可以从事自由职业。 通过我的电子邮件和 Skype 与我联系。电子邮件: smalldesign95@gmail.com Skypee:imranmolladu
Hello Awesome Designers!
Here is my new design concept of the agency landing page.Sprint is a design agency homepage, you can use this website for your design agency, marketing agency, or any kind of agency website, I hope you will like my idea. We planned to make it a little bit different than the try.“Have no fear of perfection—you’ll never reach it.” –Salvador DaliHope you guys help me to drop your feedback here, Thanks for watching!===============================================I am available for freelance work. Contact me through my email and Skype.Email: smalldesign95@gmail.com Skypee: imranmolladu
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