格蕾丝夫人(Frau Grace)

Frau Grace


这对我们的团队来说是一个有趣的挑战。任务是为一家蚊香公司设计一个网站。通常,蚊香针对的是下层阶级。对于我的产品,目标市场是中高档家庭。因此,设计优雅、干净、简单。颜色很柔和,图像非常微弱。这个市场的利基市场是那些喜欢天然香味和成分的人。线圈由刺激虫子的所有天然草药制成。每种香水都迎合了睡觉的人的类型;响亮的,沉重的和打盹的。随意留下一个喜欢。你怎么看? :) #Everydays032


This is a fun challenge with our team. The task is to design a website for a mosquito coil company. Usually, mosquito coils are targeted to the lower classes. For my product, the target market is within the middle to high class families. The design therefore is elegant, clean, and simple. The colors are muted and the images are very faint. The niche of this market are those who prefer natural scent and ingredients with their lifestyle. The coils are made from all natural herbs that irritate bugs. Each fragrance is catered to the types of people who sleep; the loud, the heavy, and the napper. Feel free to leave a like. What do you think? :) #Everydays032

