UI/UX - 一些改进设计的想法。(UI/UX - Some ideas to improve your design.)


UI/UX - 一些改进设计的想法。_⠀大家好! 👋 众所周知,用户界面通常由许多不同的元素组成。它们中的每一个都在提高用户体验的效率方面发挥着重要作用,这些小技巧的集合可以通过小细节来提高您的视觉设计技能。⠀让我们讨论一些改进您的设计的技巧。等不及了听听大家的想法。在下面的评论中告诉我!周末愉快! 👨


UI/UX - Some ideas to improve your design._⠀Hello Everyone! 👋 As you all know, User interfaces usually consist of many different elements. Each of them plays a significant role in the efficiency of user experience, a collection of little tips to improve your visual design skills with the little details that make a big difference.⠀Let’s discuss about some tips to improve your design.Can’t wait to hear what you all think. Let me know in the comments below! Enjoy your weekend! 👨‍💻⠀Spread some love by reposting @manishsingladesigns__Thanks for your support 👋#HappyDesigning 🔥

