停车查找器应用程序(Parking Finder App)

Parking Finder App


Parking Finder App 在 Adode Xd 中设计的概念。很高兴听到您对这个新设计的反馈和建议。************按“L" 喜欢❤️并提供您宝贵的反馈。不要忘记关注我。***感谢您抽出宝贵的时间,祝您有美好的一天!***正在寻找 UX/UI 设计产品?在此处了解有关我的作品的更多信息并与我联系:hi@mohamadchalak.com🔥 在 Instagram 上关注我或访问我的网站以获取更多免费赠品。


Parking Finder App Concept designed in Adode Xd.Would be great to hear your feedback and suggestions on this new design.************Press "L" to like ❤️and give your valuable feedback. Don't forget to Follow me.***Thanks for your time and have a good day!***Looking for UX/UI Design Products? Learn more about my works here and contact me: hi@mohamadchalak.com🔥 Follow me on Instagram or visit My Website for more FREEBIES.

