统计员XD统计资料 (Statmen XD Statistic)

统计员XD统计资料 (Statmen XD Statistic)插图

统计员XD统计资料 (Statmen XD Statistic)插图1


Statmen XD iOS Ui Kit Statistic - 20个用新的Adobe XD制作的高质量屏幕。如果你想在统计中显示自己的应用程序是美丽和原始的,那么这个工具包是为你准备的。所有元素都很容易修改、编辑。所有元素的矢量,可以很容易地适应任何尺寸。


Statmen XD iOS Ui Kit Statistic - 20 high-quality screens made in the new Adobe XD. If you want to show in the Statistics of their applications is beautiful and original, then this kit is for you. All elements are easily modified, edited. All elements of the vector and can be easily adapted for any size.

