Shazam 应用程序重新设计(Shazam App Redesign)

Shazam App Redesign


是时候迎接新的 Uplabs 挑战了,这一次,我以自己独特的方式设计了 Shazam 应用程序。我保持内容相同,但更改了字体和颜色。我还对应用程序的 UI 做了一些小改动,并对 logo 做了很大的改动。希望你喜欢这个设计。如果您对我有任何反馈,请确保将其留在评论中,如果您喜欢,请按“L”让我高兴。干杯!在 Dribbble 上关注我 | Instagram |中等的


Time for a new Uplabs Challenge, and this time, I designed the Shazam App in my own unique way. I keep the content to be the same but changed the fonts, and the colors. I also made little changes to the UI of the app and a big change to the logo. Hope you like this design. If you have any feedback for me, make sure you leave it in the comments, and if you like this, press 'L' to make me happy. Cheers!Follow Me onDribbble  | Instagram  | Medium

