Chudu移动UI工具包 (Chudu Mobile UI Kit)

Chudu移动UI工具包 (Chudu Mobile UI Kit)插图

Chudu移动UI工具包 (Chudu Mobile UI Kit)插图1


Chudu是一个为Photoshop和Sketch设计的完美的iOS UI工具包Chudu移动UI工具包包括70多个最高质量的屏幕应用程序模板,具有超干净和锐利的设计!所有的元素都是基于矢量的,精心设计的。所有的元素都是基于矢量的,并在7个类别中得到很好的组织。


Chudu is the perfect iOS UI Kit designed for both Photoshop AND Sketch! Chudu Mobile UI Kit includes 70+ screen app templates of highest quality with ultra clean and sharp designs! All elements are vector based and well organized over 7 categories.

