移动版的UI Deck (UI Deck for Mobile)

移动版的UI Deck (UI Deck for Mobile)插图

移动版的UI Deck (UI Deck for Mobile)插图1


无论你是在建立一个HTML5移动应用程序,移动网站或原型,UI Deck for mobile是一个灵活的集合,其中有13个易于定制的视图,使用Ionic.io框架构建。使用UI Deck作为启动主题,用PhoneGap/Cordova、Meteor、、AppGyver等构建跨平台的移动应用。你将得到13个有组织、有层次的PSD和完整的HTML/CSS/JS,用于13个视图中的每一个,使用干净、有组织的代码。


Whether you’re building an HTML5 mobile app, mobile website or prototype, UI Deck for mobile is a flexible collection of 13 easily customizable views built using the framework. Use UI Deck as a starter theme to build cross-platform mobile apps with PhoneGap/Cordova, Meteor,, AppGyver and others.You’ll get 13 organized, layered PSDs and full HTML/CSS/JS for each of the 13 views using clean, well-organized code.

