Productivo 移动 UI 套件(Productivo Mobile UI Kit)

Productivo 移动 UI 套件(Productivo Mobile UI Kit)插图Productivo 移动 UI 套件(Productivo Mobile UI Kit)插图1Productivo 移动 UI 套件(Productivo Mobile UI Kit)插图2Productivo 移动 UI 套件(Productivo Mobile UI Kit)插图3


Productivo 包含 50 多个 iOS 移动 iPhone X 屏幕模板和超过 13 个屏幕类别,以帮助加快任何生产力应用程序项目的开发。这个精美的 UI 套件经过精心包装,因此所有屏幕模板都有一个从起点开始的逻辑流程。每个元素都是完全可定制的,并且带有嵌套符号,您可以放心,这款生产力 UI 工具包将帮助您在整个项目中尽可能保持高效。


Productivo consists of 50+ iOS mobile iPhone X screen templates and over 13+ screen categories to help speed up the development of any productivity app project. This exquisite UI kit is thoughtfully packaged so all screen templates have a logical flow beginning with their starting point. Each element is full customizable and with nested symbols you can be assured this productivity UI Kit will help you stay as productive as possible throughout your project.
Screen Categories Include: Onboarding, Sign Up & Login, Forgot Password, Profile, Settings, Notifications, Calendar, Task Manager, Notes, Messages, Cloud Storage, Navigation, Reports

