购买水果的食品应用程序(Food App for Buy Fruits)

购买水果的食品应用程序(Food App for Buy Fruits)插图


这种高尔夫球大小的热带水果原产于东南亚,看起来像草莓。它凹凸不平的皮肤覆盖着半透明的白色果肉,是维生素 B、维生素 C 和钾的良好来源。在美国,加利福尼亚州、得克萨斯州和佛罗里达州都是异国树木的家园,这些树木成串地种植荔枝果实。您可以轻松使用并根据需要进行自定义。


Native to Southeastern Asia, this golf ball-sized tropical fruit looks similar to a strawberry. Its bumpy skin covers a translucent white flesh that’s a good source of Vitamin B, Vitamin C and potassium. In the US, California, Texas and Florida are all home to the exotic trees, which grow lychee fruit in bunches. You can use easily and customize as your demand.

