送餐移动应用(Food delivery mobile app)

送餐移动应用(Food delivery mobile app)插图


这次我很高兴介绍一个简单的概念,即快速安全地送餐。此时此刻,我们都在家迎接 COVID 19。很多人无法采取食物进行封锁。所以我的概念是每个人都可以通过这个应用程序选择任何菜肴,并且可以非常快速且安全地获得交货。我希望你伙计们喜欢我的概念。感谢您查看。想要创造一些伟大的东西吗?取得联系:josimuddin100@yahoo.com 在 Instagram 上关注我 https://www.instagram.com/josimuddin100/


Hello guys!
This time I'm happy to present a simple concept for Food delivery with fast and safely. At this moment we all in-home for COVID 19. Many people can't take food for lockdown.So my concept is everyone can select any dishes by this app and will get the delivery very fast and with a safe hand.I hope you guys like my concept. Thank you for checking out.Wanna create something great?Get in touch:josimuddin100@yahoo.comFollow me on Instagramhttps://www.instagram.com/josimuddin100/

