诊所应用程序(Clinic App)

诊所应用程序(Clinic App)插图


大家好!使用诊所应用程序,您可以向专科医生询问您的健康或医疗问题以进行诊断和医疗建议。* 一次性咨询费后,将立即为您指定专科医生。* 指定医生后,您可以与医生私下开始聊天或视频/音频通话。*您甚至可以上传健康报告和照片,以便医生更好地了解问题。在 Dribbble 和 Behance 我们上获取更多设计。谢谢。


Hello guys!With Clinic App you can ask your Health or Medical questions to specialist doctors for diagnosis and medical advice.* A specialist Doctor will be appointed to you instantly after a one-time consultation fee.* Once a doctor is assigned, you can start a chat or video/audio call privately with the doctor.* You can even upload health reports and photos for the Doctor to understand the issue better.on Dribbble and Behance us for more designs.Thanks.

