停车位移动应用程序(parking slot mobile app)

停车位移动应用程序(parking slot mobile app)插图


这是一个停车应用程序的概念 - 我已经使用停车主页视图和地图视图来停放他的车,轻松找到最好的停车位,用户可以停放他的车并设置计时器。停车时间结束后,他可以跟踪他的汽车的位置、延长停车时间和退出停车位。我可以租用全职/兼职(远程/直接)、合同或项目基地。给我发电子邮件: kawser4ahmed @gmail.comBehance


Hey Guys,
Here is a concept for a parking app -I have used Parking Home view and map view for parked his car easy find out best spaces for parked,The user can park his car and set a timer. After the parking time is over he can track his car's location, extend parking and exit the parking.I'm available for hireFull-time/part-time (Remote/directly), Contract, or Project base.Email me: kawser4ahmed@gmail.comBehance

