Spotify macOS 重新设计#dark(Spotify macOS Redesign #dark)

Spotify macOS 重新设计#dark(Spotify macOS Redesign #dark)插图


嗨朋友们👋很高兴通过分享我对 Uplabs 的探索来开始今年。今天我想分享 Spotify macOS Redesign #dark。我用深色主题简单地创建了它。您对此有何看法?
也可用于 Light 主题
请随时给我一些反馈。如果您喜欢它,请按“Like 按钮”。--------------- --让您的项目更棒!与我们联系:
Instagram: griflow_graphics


Hi Friends 👋Very happy to start this year by sharing my exploration on Uplabs. Today I want to share the Spotify macOS Redesign #dark. I created it simple with a dark theme. What do you think about it?
also available in Light theme
Feel free to give me some feedback.Press "Like Button" if you love it.----------------Make your project more awesome!Connect with us :
Instagram : griflow_graphics

