可口可乐应用程序设计挑战(CocaCola App Design Challenge)
嗨,伙计们,我设计了可口可乐 iOS 移动应用程序的概念,您可以在其中看到启动屏幕、登录/注册屏幕、仪表板屏幕的全新外观,其中列出了所有可口可乐品牌(雪碧、健怡可乐、零可乐、芬达)。我制作了一个标签滑块(CAN、玻璃瓶、塑料瓶,我们可以从中轻松地对我们的产品进行分类)。另外,我制作了一个产品页面。希望你们喜欢。谢谢你!
Hi Guys, I have designed a concept of the Coca-Cola iOS Mobile App in which you can see the new look n feel of the Splash screen, Login/ Signup screen, Dashboard screen where all coca-cola brands are listed like (Sprite, Diet Coke, Coke Zero, Fanta). I have made a tab slider (CAN, Glass Bottle, Plastic Bottle from which we can categorize our products easily). Also, I have made a single product page. Hope you guys like it. Thank You!