人力资源实体图标包(Pack of Human Resources Solid Icons)

人力资源实体图标包(Pack of Human Resources Solid Icons)插图人力资源实体图标包(Pack of Human Resources Solid Icons)插图1人力资源实体图标包(Pack of Human Resources Solid Icons)插图2人力资源实体图标包(Pack of Human Resources Solid Icons)插图3人力资源实体图标包(Pack of Human Resources Solid Icons)插图4人力资源实体图标包(Pack of Human Resources Solid Icons)插图5人力资源实体图标包(Pack of Human Resources Solid Icons)插图6


人力资源包由黑白图标组成,创造性地设计用于展示设置的人力资源部门。图标集专注于与人力资源相关的活动,例如会议、人力资源规划、招聘等等。一个优秀的包,可以在相关项目中描绘 HR 的各个方面。有用、完美和时尚的锥形轮廓草图样式组织良好的图层和分组完全可编辑的现代独特图标准备在您的 Web、移动和打印项目中使用


The pack of human resources consists of black and white icons, creatively designed to present HR division of a setup. The icons sets are focused on human resource related activities such as meeting, hr planning, recruitment and many more. An excellent pack to portray various aspects of HR in related projects.Useful, Perfect and TrendyTapered Outline Sketch StyleWell Organized Layers and GroupedFully EditableModern Unique IconsReady to Use in Your Web, Mobile and Print Projects

