新闻和阅读器应用程序 UI 套件(News and Reader App UI Kit)

News and Reader App UI Kit


嗨,大家好!在这里,我展示了我的 Maos 的最新作品 - News and Reader App UI Kit。有了这个应用程序,您可以阅读来自世界各地的所有新闻,并且它总是更新,它非常易于使用且用户友好,界面简洁。
Maos UI 套件仅与 Figma 兼容,具有良好的分层和组织性,响应式调整大小功能,以及来自 Google Fonts 的免费字体系列。
Maos Kit 功能
- 60 个 iPhone X 屏幕- 响应式调整大小- 分层和组织良好- 完全可定制- 简单和干净的设计- 来自 Google 字体的免费字体 - Nunito Sans
你可以在 Dribbble and Instagram 上找到我


Hi Everyone! Here I present the latest work of my Maos - News and Reader App UI Kit. With this app, you can read all the news from around the world and it's always updated, It's so easy to use and user friendly with a clean interface.
Maos UI kit is only compatible with Figma, with well layered and organized, responsive resizing features, and with free fonts family from Google Fonts.
Maos Kit Features
- 60 iPhone X Screens- Responsive Resize- Well Layered and Organized- Fully Customizable- Simple and Clean Design- Free Fonts form Google Fonts - Nunito Sans
You can find me on Dribbble and InstagramAvailable for project, shot us on

