Gmail 重新设计(Gmail Redesign)

Gmail 重新设计(Gmail Redesign)插图Gmail 重新设计(Gmail Redesign)插图1Gmail 重新设计(Gmail Redesign)插图2


谷歌有这么多不同的产品,浏览它们总是很痛苦。肯定有书签,但我发现自己经常在地址栏中输入域名。我从不使用右上角的小应用导航器,它不够智能,无法显示我最常用的 Google 产品。


Google has so many different products and it's always a pain to navigate through it all. There's bookmarks sure, but I find myself constantly typing domain names in the address bar. I never use the little app navigator on the top right, and it's not smart enough to display my most used Google products.
So, that is the reason behind the 'left app bar' on the design. It's purpose is to be smart and know exactly what you use based on your recent activities.

