活动门票移动应用程序 UI 工具包模板(Event Ticket Mobile App UI Kit Template)

Event Ticket Mobile App UI Kit Template


每个屏幕都是完全可定制的,非常易于使用,并且在 Sketch 中精心分层和分组。这是您快速原型设计、设计和开发任何适用于 iPhone Xs 的 iOS 或 Android 应用程序所需的一切。
**功能 **
* 像素完美的屏幕设计* 完全可定制* 有组织的嵌套符号和覆盖*样式指南、排版和颜色* 易于更改颜色样式* 兼容 Sketch、XD 和Figma


Each screen is fully customizable, exceptionally easy to use and carefully layered and grouped in Sketch. It's all you need for quick prototype, design and develops any iOS or Android app for iPhone Xs.
**Features **
* Pixel perfect screen designs* Fully Customizable* Organized Nested Symbols & Overrides* Style Guide, Typography & Colors* Easy to change color style* Compatible with Sketch, XD & Figma
**Image Photos**
All the images used are **included** in download package._We plan to support these products with updates, so please feel free to let me know what additional features you would like to see._
Thanks for downloading ✌️

