企业仪表板 UI 套件(Enterprise Dashboard UI Kit)

企业仪表板 UI 套件(Enterprise Dashboard UI Kit)插图企业仪表板 UI 套件(Enterprise Dashboard UI Kit)插图1


企业仪表板 UI 套件完全是从头开始设计的,我在这个项目上工作了几个月,以确保我不会错过为企业应用程序设计美观优雅的 UI 所需的任何组件。我使用 Adobe Xd 设计了这个工具包,使您的产品更直观、更具适应性和更易于定制。


The Enterprise dashboard UI kit is completely designed from scratch and I worked on this project for several months to make sure that I do not miss any component needed to design a beautiful and elegant UI for the enterprise applications. I’ve designed this kit using Adobe Xd to make your products more intuitive, adaptive and easier to customize.

