信使应用程序(Messenger Application)


Cubix Chat 是一个信使应用程序,您可以通过它拨打电话、与单个用户或群组聊天、进行群组电话和视频通话、更改个人资料图像和设置、将用户添加到您的收藏列表等等,如果您购买了保费,如果您遇到任何问题,请通过 ssharma998855@gmail.com 与我联系


Cubix Chat is a messenger application through which you can make calls, chat and with a single user or group and make group phone and video calls, and change profile image, and settings, add the user into your favorite list, and many more and if you bought premium and if you face any issue please reach me at ssharma998855@gmail.com

