电子商务应用程序设计 - 第二个概念(E commerce App Design - 2nd Concept)

E commerce App Design - 2nd Concept


嘿伙计们 👋
我最近开始使用 电子商务应用程序,并决定分享我的探索。我试图根据最新的设计趋势使其时尚。
⬇️Dribbble Post:https://dribbble.com/shots/10831005-E-commerce-App-Design-2nd-Concept
请继续关注更多信息,如果喜欢它,请不要忘记按 “L”。谢谢!


Hey folks 👋
I recently started with an E-commerce App and decided to share my exploration. I tried to make it sleek and according to latest design trends.
⬇️Dribbble Post: https://dribbble.com/shots/10831005-E-commerce-App-Design-2nd-Concept
Stay tuned for more and don't forget press "L" if love it. Thanks!

