数字代理网站业务 Figma 模板(Digital Agency Website Business Figma Template)
数字代理网站 UI 套件 - 网页设计
亮点:- 13 页。- 图像和文本只是演示数据。- Google 字体- 来自 unsplash.com 的图像- 来自 icons.getbootstrap.com 的图标- .jpg 文件- Figma 文件
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可用于产品设计的新合作。✉️ 设计咨询:  ;ideadesigncodes@gmail.com🏀 Dribbble📷 Instagram📷 Behance🛒 Uplabs
Digital Agency Website UI Kits - Web Design
Highlights:- 13 pages.- images and text are just demo data.- Google fonts- Images from unsplash.com- Icons from icons.getbootstrap.com- .jpg file- Figma file
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Available for a new collaboration to product design.✉️ Design Inquiry: ideadesigncodes@gmail.com🏀 Dribbble📷 Instagram📷 Behance🛒 Uplabs