Landy - 登陆页设计UI KIT (Landy - Landing Page Design U

Landy - 登陆页设计UI KIT (Landy - Landing Page Design U插图

Landy - 登陆页设计UI KIT (Landy - Landing Page Design U插图1


满足Landy--Figma的登陆页面设计套件。该套件包括 10 个时尚的登陆页屏幕,而且是响应式的。
我们希望你会喜欢我们的作品,并随时购买,以获得惊人的UI KIT体验 <3


Meet Landy - a Landing Page design kit for Figma. The kit includes 10 stylish Landing Page screens and is Responsive as well.

We design to make it easy for you to customize according to your ideas and creativity. Helping you take control and build the best, most quality Landing Page.

We hope you will like our work & feel free to purchase for an amazing UI KIT experience <3

