Crypto MarketPlace UI Kit (Crypto MarketPlace UI K

Crypto MarketPlace UI Kit (Crypto MarketPlace UI K插图

Crypto MarketPlace UI Kit (Crypto MarketPlace UI K插图1


Otoma V.1.0
这个优质的UI套件可以让你为你的机构或公司快速建立原型和设计漂亮的界面。用Adobe XD制作,有+60个网页屏幕。
最后更新: 29/09/2021
- +60 完整页
- +50组件
- 完全响应
- 有组织的层级
- 无限组合
- UI库
- 风格指南
- 文本样式
- 谷歌字体
- 容易找到


Otoma V.1.0

This premium UI kit allows you to quickly prototype and design beautiful interfaces for your agency or company. Made with Adobe XD, with +60 web screens.

? Last Update: 29/09/2021

⚙️ Features

— +60 Complete pages
— +50 Components
— Fully responsive
— Organized Layers
— Unlimited Combinations
— UI library
— Style guide
— Text styles
— Google Fonts
— Easy To Find

