iOS 14图标和控件包

iOS 14图标和控件包插图

iOS 14图标和控件包插图1


iOS 14应用程序图标和小工具包包括2种不同的风格 - 霓虹灯和卡通。所有100%的矢量和所有颜色都可以编辑,只需点击几下,在Figma和Sketch中都有完美的组织。
点击这里查看关于如何在iOS 14上实现自定义应用程序图标的教程。


iOS 14 App Icon and Widget Pack include 2 different styles – Neon and Cartoon. All 100% vector and all colors editable in just a few clicks with the perfect organization in both Figma and Sketch.

Click Here to see a tutorial on how to implement custom app icons on iOS 14

