UI/UX AL-Hara 社交媒体应用程序(阿拉伯语)(UI/UX AL-Hara Social Media App(arabic))

UI/UX AL-Hara 社交媒体应用程序(阿拉伯语)(UI/UX AL-Hara Social Media App(arabic))插图


大家好,社交媒体 UI 概念应用程序它是一个应用程序,可帮助社区居民传播社区的新闻和事件,并包含有助于传播广告、意识和慈善工作的兴趣阿拉伯语


hello guys,socialmedia UI concept appIt is an application that helps people of the neighborhood to spread the news and events of the neighborhood and contains the interests that contribute to spreading advertisements, awareness, and charitable work Arabic language
full project

