金融科技应用UI包 (Fintech App Ui Kit)

金融科技应用UI包 (Fintech App Ui Kit)插图

金融科技应用UI包 (Fintech App Ui Kit)插图1


UI Kit是基于潮流和简洁的设计,也适合和易于完全定制,并且Ui Kit是基于figma、sketch和XD的。 同时,屏幕从开始到结束的流程都是原型设计。


Fintech is a Premium and High-Quality for finance technology, wallet, transcation, bill, and other financ. UI Kit with 60 high-quality screens and easy to use in Figma, Sketchapp and Figma. Available in Light & Dark theme.

The UI Kit is bulid based on trend and clean design also suitable and easy to fully customize, and Ui Kit based on figma, sketch, and XD . Also the screen is prototyping from the beginning to the end of the flow

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